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HKU DataHub: The Guide


"Projects" in DataHub is a place for collaboration. There are two different kinds of projects: individual projects and group projects. Members of each project can upload files or add text notes, and comments.


Individual Projects Group Projects
Everyone uses their own quota and account storage.

Submitters’ quota will not be used, storage allocation comes directly from the project.

All work is stored on institutional storage and remains within the project space if people leave.
Project members take their work with them if they leave the project. Items are created using the metadata schema of the submitter. Contributors must adopt the metadata schema of the project owner.
Items appear in the subgroup of the uploader. Items appear in the subgroup of the project owner.
Items published by users from outside the organization don’t have to go through review (if review is turned on for the group). Items published by users from outside the organization have to go through review (if review is turned on for the group).

More details on:


To Start a Project
1. Go to My Data page and select the Projects tab. Click on the "+Create a new project" button.


2. Complete the fields as descriptively as possible. You can select the project type for individual or group use, then click "Save changes".


Managing Projects

Invite Collaborators

New Project
1. Click on the “invite new users” button on the right hand side to invite people to join your project. You can also search their full names or ORCID ID directly.


2. A “invite new user” window will be prompted out. Enter the name and email address of the person you would like to invite, and select the role to be assigned to them in the project. There are two types of user role: collaborator and viewer.


  • Collaborators - these members can upload files, download other members’ files and make/view comments.
  • Viewers - these members can view uploaded files and comments only without editing rights.


3. Click “Send Invite” button.


Existing Project
On the existing project page, click on "Manage" icon and choose “Edit project details”. Follow the same steps as described above.

Publishing Projects

“Project” can be published independently with a specific page created when at least one item is publicly available in the project space. Private items will remain private when a project is published. Usage metrics are also available for the project.


To publish a project:

1. Go to the project space under the tab “Projects

project tab


2. Click on “Manage” with a gear icon at the top right corner. Choose “Publish project”.  Please be reminded that the project can no longer be deleted once it has been published.

publish project button image


3. An example of the project page is shown below:

project page example image

Submit data to DataHub without an account

DataHub now supports non-login submissions on a designated page that is configured allowing external users, who collaborate with HKU researchers in research projects, to submit contents or data files to DataHub without having a HKU DataHub or Figshare account. The page for submission can be accessed at

Collaborations between HKU researchers and academics with individuals outside of the HKU community may frequently take place in projects conducted at HKU. As DataHub has access restrictions to internal members for data uploading and management, this page allows external members to submit their work to DataHub for collaborative projects easily without an institutional account at HKU.

Note: Please contact the HKU Research Data Services by email to if you would like to make a submission. 


Submission Workflow

1. Access the page ( and get past the reCAPTCHA verification.


2. On the main submission page, select the destination (i.e. group) that your data will be submitted to from the drop-down list.


3. Drag your file(s) to the uploading area on the browser or select the file for uploading by pressing the ‘Browse’ button. You may upload multiple items.


4. If you have uploaded multiple file(s)/folder(s) at once and wish to put them under a single item record, select "group all files into a dataset".


5. Use the buttons on the right side of the uploaded files to reorder them or delete any unwanted files. Then, fill in all necessary metadata fields (i.e. Title, Authors, Description, License, Categories, Keywords, etc.). 


6. Scroll to the bottom and click on the “Submit” button. You will be directed to an acknowledgement page with the message “Your submission was successfully sent”.