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HKU DataHub: The Guide

Managing Dataset

Edit in Batch

You could always manage your uploaded files under the “My data” page. All of your uploaded files will be shown here and you are able to edit in batch, delete or restore individual files, or organize files under the same category.

1. Select the files that you would like to batch edit by ticking the boxes. Click on “Actions” and select “Edit in batch”.


2. Choose the field(s) that you would like to edit. Three options: prepend, append, and replace are available and changes will apply to all the items you have selected.


3. Click on “Save all changes” at the bottom right corner.


4. Press the “Confirm & save all” button. (Click on “Back to editing” at the top left corner if you would like to continue editing)


5. Click on “Done”.

Delete & Restore

To delete individual file(s) within an item and restore them, you can:

1. Select the item or click on the "pencil" icon at the right side of the record to access the dataset item record editing page. 


2. Select "Manage files" in the data file uploading box.


3. Now you can manage all the individual files uploaded under the same item record. To delete a single file from the record, click on the "cross" icon beside the uploaded file/folder name.

To delete multiple uploaded files/folders at once, tick the box beside the file/folder name, then click on "Delete Selected File(s)".


4. If you would like to restore the files that were deleted before, return to the data uploading box and click on “View deleted files”.


5. You will find a list of deleted files shown. Simply 1) click on the "loop arrow" icon for restoring a single file/folder, or 2) tick the box beside the file/folder name, and then click on "Restore selected file(s)". 

Please note that deleted files can only be restored within 30 days after it is deleted. Remaining days available for restoration of each file/folder will be shown beside the loop arrow icon.


5. If the file/folder(s) are successfully restored, a message "Restored successfully" and a green tick icon will appear. Click on "Done Editing" to close the window.


Organize with Keywords

While creating folders is currently not available on DataHub, you may use the keyword feature to indicate file(s) under the same category and organize your files. 

1. Go to “My data” page.

2. Select the files that you would like to put under the same category (or same folder) by ticking the boxes, click on “Actions” and “Edit in batch”.
Note: Please refer to the Edit in Batch section for a step-by-step guide on batch editing.

3. Add the same keyword to those files you have selected.

4. Search the keyword and sort out items with this keyword tag.

You could always edit or replace the tags in batch if you do not wish those internal file management tags to be published when the items are made publicly available.
5. You may also add those items into a Project and do the sorting within the Project. Please refer to the Projects & Collaboration page for guidelines on starting a Project.

Request for Extra Storage

If you need extra storage spaces for your research data, please follow the below steps for submitting the request:

1.       Login and go to “My Data” page.

2.       Find your storage bar and click on “request more storage” under the bar.

3.       Fill in the details of your request:

-          The desired extra storage volume (selection of data storage unit available)

-          Reasons for the request

Click on “Submit” to officially submit your request.

Cite Dataset

Citing dataset in your published research serves the same purpose of citing journal articles or other types of publications: attributing credits to the producers or providers of the dataset and allowing other researchers to track the sources and reuse the data, which would enable the reproducibility of your findings.

Include the followings when you are citing a dataset:

  • Author(s)
  • Title
  • Year of publication
  • Publisher and/or distributor
  • Access location information (e.g. URL, DOI, or other persistent identifier)

Unfortunately, standard of data citation has no agreed unified format and may vary across disciplines. Yet, on DataHub, you may choose from a dropdown menu on which citation style you would like to use when citing the data. The below steps will show you how to get the citation:

1. Go to the published item page and click on the “Cite” button.


2. Select the citation style you wish to use. DataCite has been set as default.


You may also export the citation to RefWorks, BibTeX, Endnote, DataCite, NLM, DC and Ref. Manager. These could be found on the right bottom of the dataset record page.