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Medicine Subject Guides: Further Support

Library Resources (books) on Systematic Review

Library Support

Standard Research Consultation (For HKU academic staff & postgraduate student)

Our Research Consultation Service is a personal research consultation service offered by our Librarians in specialised subjects to members of HKU community for advice on effective information research pertaining to their research projects. Our Librarians will assist you in:

  • developing effective research techniques
  • identifying, evaluating and locating appropriate resources via library catalogues and online resources
  • constructing effective search strategies to search specific electronic databases
  • providing guidance to access services and resources provided by HKU and other libraries

The service is only offered to registered HKU academic staff and postgraduate students. Please fill out the Research Consultation Appointment Form below to make an appointment with the Librarian specialising in your field. Your appointment will be confirmed within two working days.

In-depth Collaboration (For HKU Academic Staff & RPG)

  Level 1​ Level 2​
Search of Studies Search statement review and modification for all databases HKU subscribed (PubMed, Embase, Web of Sci, etc…)​ Same as Level 1​
Screen of Studies (Title/abstract screening) N.A.​

Develop prompt for ChatGPT4o​

Result output as (Yes/No/Maybe) with reasons in point form

Screen of Studies (Full text screening) N.A.​

Develop prompt for ChatGPT4o​

Result output as (Yes/No) with reasons in point form​

Data Extraction N.A.​

Develop prompt for ChatGPT4o​

Result output as requested​

Risk of Bias N.A.​

Develop prompt for ChatGPT4o​

Result output as (High risk/some concerns/low risk) with reasons in point form​

Acknowledgement or Co-Authorship:

At a minimum, acknowledgement (for level 1 & 2) is requested for systematic review services provided by an HKU Library Librarian for any or all steps in the Initial Consultation and Search Services sections.

Co-authorship (for level 2) is highly recommended if the Librarian has provided all Search Services and any Post-Search Services listed. Co-authorship, in lieu of acknowledgement, recognizes the significant and essential contributions of the Librarian to the systematic review.

Libguides from other libraries

A number of other libraries have produced guides to systematic reviews. Please find links to some of these below.

Ask a Librarian

Contact Info:
Yu Chun Keung Medical Library
21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam
Hong Kong, China
Tel: 3917-9215
Fax: 2855-9343