Two-step screening is a method commonly used in systematic reviews to ensure rigorous and reliable screening of studies. It involves having two independent reviewers independently assess the titles and abstracts of studies identified during the initial search, followed by a second round of independent full-text assessment.
Here's how the two-step screening process typically works:
Step 1: Title and Abstract Screening
Step 2: Full-Text Assessment
The purpose of two-step screening is to enhance the reliability and accuracy of the study selection process in a systematic review. By involving two independent reviewers, it helps minimize potential biases and increases the likelihood of capturing relevant studies while reducing the risk of excluding important ones.This approach is considered good practice in systematic reviews to ensure the inclusion of high-quality evidence and to maintain transparency and objectivity throughout the screening process.
After literature search, you may import the selected literature from Endnote to Covidence. The video below shows how the citations from Endnote is imported to Covidence:
You may register to use Covidence via HKU library: Link
Training materials of Covidence: 1. Streamlining the Production of Systematic Reviews 2. Import/export Chinese References 3. Import PDF full text
When screening the title and abstract, there are 3 options "Yes", "No" or "Maybe" to choose. You and your team member will decide if the the titles and abstracts match your topic.
Next, you will do the full-text assessment, there will be only 2 options "Include" or "Exclude". After reading the whole articles, you have to decide keeping the relevant literatures.
The PRISMA Flow Diagram can be utilized to document the study selection process in your systematic review.
The PRISMA flow diagram provides a visual representation of the screening process in a systematic review. It begins by documenting the total number of articles identified and subsequently tracks the selection process, transparently reporting the decisions made at each stage. At each step, the diagram records the number of articles included or excluded. During the full-text assessment stage, it is crucial to include the reasons for excluding articles to maintain transparency and clarity.
See the Prisma2020 site for more information.
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