For Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) at HKU, click here.
The Hong Kong University Theses Online provides electronic copies of HKU music dissertations and theses. Select “Music” under the drop-down menu box of Dept/Program to retrieve all titles.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I (since 1861) is the most comprehensive source of its kind. It offers abstracts, citations and 24-page previews of dissertations and theses.
Digital Dissertation Consortium (since 2001) provides abstracts, citations and full-text dissertations.
Doctoral Dissertations in Musicology-Online contains records of completed dissertations and new topics in musicology, music theory, ethnomusicology and related disciplines. It allows graduates to submit its dissertation information for inclusion in the database.
中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 China Doctor Dissertations Full-text Database (1984- ) and
中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 China Master Theses Full-text Database (1999-) provide access to Chinese and English abstracts, citations and available full text access of music Doctor dissertations and Master Theses in China.
臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan provide access to Chinese and English abstracts, citations and available full text access of music Doctor dissertations and Master Theses in Taiwan.