For details, click here.
Year Coverage |
1760-1966 |
1967-present |
1874-present |
Subject Coverage |
Strengths |
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Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (RIPM), RILM Abstracts of Music Literature Online and Music Index Online are provided by the same vendor. You can search these three databases simultaneously.
The route: Choose Databases > Select either one > OK
Select statement “allow all site to show pop-ups” by clicking the block pop-ups icon on the right hand corner of the address.
The HKU Libraries has subscribed these two electronic databases, which allow current students and staff to access a very wide coverage of writings on music, from 1760 to the present.
“The 18th- and 19th-century periodicals treated by RIPM are often in a newspaper or magazine format with articles containing sections and subsections, and with many news items on a single page. The periodicals indexed in RILM Retrospective—the earliest of which date from the first half of the 19th century and continued to be published up to or after 1967—are often in a format similar to the scholarly journals of today, with articles containing a single title, a running head and footnotes. The different journal formats have led RIPM and RILM to choose different methods of providing access to their content.” (Source from