In order to make your reading list visible to students, you have to associate the reading list with your course in Moodle and publish the list. You can continue to edit your reading list after it has been published.
Click on My list is ready button.
Choose Publish the list to students. Then, you will have three different options to choose from:
Coursestudents means only students enrolled in your course can see the list and access materials
All students at the institution means all students studying in HKU can see the list and access materials
Anyone Restricted means the list is publicly visible to anyone without signing into Moodle, but access to uploaded materials is restricted to course students only
Click Send after your selection.
Now, the status of the list has changed from "Draft" to "Published." You can click on the status to check the access right of the list.
You can unpublish your list if you no longer want it to be visible to students. Simply click on the ellipsis button and choose Unpublish list.