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Adding resources

Once you have added sections in your reading list, you can start adding citations to each section by searching library resources in either of the following ways:

  • Searching the library in Leganto
  • Importing citations from the Find@HKUL catalogue
Searching the library in Leganto
  1. Click the + Add button and then select Search the library.
  2. Type in the title, authors or keywords in the search box to retrieve results from FIND@HKUL. If you need to refine your search, click on the Advanced Search to access additional search fields. If necessary, tick the box to include records without full-text access.
  3. Select the relevant resource, press the + button to add item to list.
    (Tips: You can drag and drop the relevant item to the reading list section by using the six-dot icon on the left.)
  4. Select Add to: List and choose the appropriate section for the resource, then click Add.
  5. The resource has been added to the reading list. You can drag citation upward and downward to rearrange it in the desired order.
Importing citations from the Find@HKUL catalogue

You can also add citations directly to your reading list from the search results within the Find@HKUL catalogue. Once you have logged in with your HKU Portal account and identified the resources, simply: 

  1. Select READING LIST.
  2. Add the selected item to Reading List Favorites or List.
  3. If the item is to be added to the list, select the particular list and section.
  4. Click on ADD TO READING LIST.

Leaving comments in Library discussion

Leave a comment on the item in the Library discussion if you would like the library staff to take action. You may refer to the Library discussion section for more details. 

  1. Click the + Add icon and select Upload files
  2. Upload your local file by drag and drop or click to browse for a file. 
  3. Select the appropriate resource type from the drop-down menu under Type. Enter the Title and specify the copyright status by selecting the relevant copyright information before clicking Next.
  4. Fill out the relevant fields. If it is an online resource, add the URL in the Source field. Expand the More item details section if additional details are required. Then, click Next.
  5. Select the section where you want to add the file. You can also include a student note for the resource, which will be visible to students. Ensure you add the Due date for the source to avoid Copyright infringement. The following due dates are recommended (a period no longer than 12 consecutive months): 
    Semester Due date
    Semester 1 31 December        
    Semester 2 31 May
    Summer semester 31 August

  6. The file can be downloaded or viewed online (If the URL is put in the Source field). Public note will be shown under the title.

Leaving comments in Library discussion

Leave a comment on the item in the Library discussion if you would like the library staff to take action. You may refer to the Library discussion section for more details. 

The "Cite It!" bookmarklet allows you to add a web page or an item on a web page directly to your reading list. You need to add the bookmarklet to your web browser first.

  1. Click on the Settings icon on the top right corner of the page, and select Cite It! in the drop-down menu

    Notes on using the Cite It! Bookmarklet:

    i) You need to sign into ReadingList@HKUL when using the bookmarklet.
    ii) Check your browser window to ensure that pop-ups are enabled.

  2. Simply drag and drop the Cite It! button to your bookmark panel to start adding web citations. To view the supported sites, expand the Supported sites section, which is updated regularly.
  3. Visit the website you want to add to your reading list and click the Cite It! bookmarklet. A pop-up will show the website's details. You can edit these details and choose to add the item directly to a specific Reading List and Section, or save it to Favorites/Suggestions for later. Finally, click Add.

Leaving comments in Library discussion

Leave a comment on the item in the Library discussion if you would like the library staff to take action. You may refer to the Library discussion section for more details. 

Favorites is an area where you can save citations for future use.

There are a few ways to add citations to Favorites:

  1. Add items via the + Add button, which allows you to search library recourses or upload your own files
  2. Import references from RIS, BibTex, or References file to Favorites (Refer to the Importing references from file section
  3. Select Add to Favorites when adding the web resources using Cite It! Bookmarklet
  4. Import citations directly from the Find@HKUL catalogue (Refer to the Searching library resources section)

Removing Items in Favorites

To remove an item from Favorites, tick the box to select the unwanted item. Then click Delete on the top menu bar.

Using Tags in Favorites

You can also create Tags for items saved in Favorites, which can be used for filtering or searching. These tags are only visible to you, and will not be shown when the items are moved to a reading list.

Leaving comments in Library discussion

Leave a comment on the item in the Library discussion if you would like the library staff to take action. You may refer to the Library discussion section for more details. 

Add Directly to a Section

You can import a list of resources from reference management software by exporting the citations in RIS, BibTex, or References format. These files can be imported directly to a section of your reading list. 

  1. Click + Add button and select Import referencesFrom file
  2. Select File type from the pull-down menu. Then, upload the file by drag and drop or click to browse for a file.
  3. Select section for the items, then click Add all items.

Importing to Favorites

The RIS, BibTex, or References file can also be imported to Favorites

  1. Apply the same approach to importing RIS, BibTex, or References file to Favorites. 
  2. To add the imported file from Favorites to the reading list, open the reading list, and click + Add and select Add from Favorites.
  3. Press the + button or drag and drop the item to the relevant section of the list. You may refer to the Using Favorites section for more details.

Leaving comments in Library discussion

Leave a comment on the item in the Library discussion if you would like the library staff to take action. You may refer to the Library discussion section for more details. 

You can add tags to a citation as additional notes of citations to students. All tags are set and managed by the Libraries.

  1. Select the item to tag, then click on Full details.
  2. Click on Item actions.
  3. Select a tag from the drop-down menu.