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Other useful features

Filtering by sections/ tags/ types/ other

Click the Filter to filter the reading list by due date, tags, resource types or status of the item.

  1. To export the reading list, click on the ellipsis button at the top of a reading list. Select Export list.
  2. Select on a file format, then click Export. The download will start automatically.

Do not edit the reading list you created in ReadingList@HKUL for subsequent semesters or other courses, as this will compromise usage analytics. Instead, please duplicate the list and make the necessary edits

  1. Locate and open the reading list that you want to duplicate in My Lists. Click on the ellipsis button of the list and choose Duplicate list.
  2. The list is duplicated with the same title followed by (Rolled Over). Remove the "(Rolled Over)", edit the title information, and amend/add the academic year at the end. To associate the duplicate list with a specific course, enter the course code to search for the course. Click on Create list to complete the process.
  3. Add or remove citations on the list as needed.
  4. Must add due date for the upload items to avoid copyright infringement.
  5. Remember to publish the list to make it visible to students.
  1. To copy a section from a list to another, click on the ellipsis button of the section and select Copy section.
  2. Rename the section if necessary. Then select the targeted list and click on Copy.

Favorites is an area where you can save citations for future use.

There are a few ways to add citations to Favorites:

  1. Add items via the + Add button, which allows you to search library recourses or upload your own files
  2. Import references from RIS, BibTex, or References file to Favorites (Refer to the section Importing references from file
  3. Select Add to Favorites when adding the web resources using Cite It! Bookmarklet
  4. Import citations directly from the Find@HKUL catalogue (Refer to the Searching library resources section)

Removing Items in Favorites

To remove an item from Favorites, tick the box to select the unwanted item. Then click Delete on the top menu bar.

Using Tags in Favorites

You can also create Tags for items saved in Favorites, which can be used for filtering or searching. These tags are only visible to you, and will not be shown when the items are moved to a reading list.

Adding Favorites to Lists

  1. Go to your list
  2. Click the + Add button and then select Add the favorites  
  3. Select the item, choose the section and click Add