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Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, Similarity Check, Text-matching, Turnitin, Draft Coach, AI Writing Detection

For Faculty

Instructor Account

Access via Access via Moodle

Teaching staff may contact the Libraries to request for an instructor account. For details, please visit this guide (log-in required). Teaching assistants (TA) can be added by an instructor via the Master Course option. This allows both the instructor and the TA to access a Turnitin class.

Faculties / departments may apply for instructor accounts with departmental email addresses.




Instructors can create Turnitin assignments and generate similarity reports within Moodle environment in one go. Learn more about Turnitin on Moodle platform at Moodle support online and the following videos:

Instructor FAQ

1. How do I reset my password?

2. How do I create a class?

3. How do I create an assignment?

4. Where can I view and change the advanced (optional) assignment settings?

5. How do I upload multiple files on behalf of students?

6. How do I upload a zip file of papers on behalf of students?

7. How do I interpret the Similarity Report?

8. How do I refine my students' similarity scores?

9. How do I exclude a specific source in Turnitin?

10. I have received a paper view request. What should I do?

11. Is it possible not to store a paper (e.g. a research proposal) in the Turnitin database?

12. I received a student's request for deleting a paper via platform. How do I proceed?

13. I receive an M14:11 error when trying to view a submission. What can I do?

14. I receive an email relating to reaching active student limits. How can I expire a class?