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Zotero for Citation Management: Citing Sources in Microsoft Word / Google Docs

Citing Sources in Microsoft Word / Google Docs

Step 1. If you download and install Zotero on your device, you will see the [Zotero] tab in MS Word. Same in Google Docs.

Step 2. Check out all [Zotero] tab functions, and target at [Add/Edit Citation].

Step 3. Put the cursor on the end of the sentence to add an in-text citation.

Step 4. Click [Add/Edit Citation].

Step 5. Select the [Citation Style] and [Language]. Then, click [OK] to save your preferences.

Step 6. Enter the Title or Author Name to find the item you cited. Then, click on the target item.

Step 7. Tab [Enter] on your keyboard to confirm the action.

Step 8. An in-text citation has been added to the texts.

Step 9. However, there should be space ahead of the left bracket. Please add the space manually.