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The Law Guide: Academic Honesty


Upholding academic honesty is vital to respect to the work of others, with the ethical use of others work or publications.

At HKU, we treasure the practice of respecting all academic and copyrighted work. Misuse of these materials is not acceptable, and disciplinary action will be taken against any offense.

Know more about Academic Honesty


Plagiarism is a serious offense in the academic world, in which offender is regarded to have “stolen” intellectual property without consent from or acknowledgement to the copyright owner.

In HKU, plagiarism is regards as a disciplinary offense. It is emphasized that all HKU members have the responsibilities to familiarize what constitute plagiarism and how to avoid it. The most commonly used method is to cite the works of other properly, following designated formatting of different citation style.  

You may find useful resources and tools here on plagiarism: