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Sources of Law - Legislation: Singapore


This page aims to offer a guidance on where you can locate sources of legislation in Singapore, using various categories of resources. Categories of sources include:


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Official Sources

Singapore Statutes Online (click to visit)

Sustained by the Legislation Division, Attorney-General's Chambers of Singapore, this platform offers public free access to latest and historical versions of legislations; bills published in Acts, Subsidiary Legislation and Bills Supplements of the Singapore Government Gazette; and repealed/ spent legislations. The earliest document available can be dated back to 1998. Legislation and bills prior to 1998 are not fully available, depends on availability of digital records.

Singapore Government Gazette (click to visit)

The Singapore Government Gazette includes the main volume Gazette, Supplements to Bills, Acts, Subsidiary Legislation, Industrial Relations and Treaties and statues. Other than the most current materials, documents back to 1998 are archived and available for access.

Parliament of Singapore (click to visit)

The Parliament of Singapore acts as a major role in making laws for the country. You may find records of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard), Bills introduced, Votes and Proceedings, and other official reports made under the institution. Most of the documents can be traced back to 1955, until the present.


Hansard (click to visit)

The Official Report contains speeches and debates made in the Parliament Chamber. Records of proceedings and discussion can be traced back to 1955, when the Parliament was known as Legislative Assembly at that time.


Papers Presented to Parliament Series (click to visit)

Documented by the National Archives of Singapore, this Series involves records formally presented to the Parliament by the Government, in inflecting the Government’s activities and aid for decision-making. These papers include: Command Paper, Parliamentary Paper, Statutory Paper, Subsidiary Legislation Paper, Presidential Council Paper, and Miscellaneous Paper, from 1955 to the present.

You can also make use of the National Archive of Singapore for locating Government Records of the country. For more information, please click here to visit. 

The Legislation Division, Attorney-General's Chambers of Singapore (click to visit)

Serves as Singapore’s central law drafting office, the Legislation Division is responsible for drafting legislation on behalf of implementation of government policies and public programmes. Annual Reports and Law Reform Reports of recent years can be found via this website.

HKU Libraries' Resources

LawNet (click to visit)

Serve as Singapore’s leading platform for legal research, LawNet offers many resources to its users. Primary legal materials, such as Singapore Law Reports and Legislations, and secondary materials like latest legal news can be easily accessed. Check out LawNet User Guide for more details on how it works.

To access full archive of cases with summaries and headnotes, you are reminded to obtain login information via the path indicated in the FIND@HKUL record. HKUL Authentication is also required via login to your HKU Portal account. 

Westlaw Asia (click to visit)

Westlaw Asia offers the current Acts and Subsidiary Legislation of Singapore. Browse can be done by content type or by title.

To look up for the materials, follow the steps below:

  • Access Path: Content Type > Legislation > Singapore Legislation 

Open Access Resources

Singapore Law Watch (click to visit)

Supported by the Singapore Academy of Law, the Singapore Law Watch provides free daily legal news service for the community. Latest Legislations, Bills, Acts and Subsidiary Legislations introduced in the past three months are listed on this page.


Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII) (click to visit)

Serve to promote free access of law and legal information for the community, AsianLII offers a consolidated platform databases, catalogues and web-searches on Singapore’s legal system and materials.