e-Print archive Archive of preprints in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. ArXiv is owned, operated and funded by Cornell University while maintained by the Las Alamos National Laboratory. |
Astrophysics Data System (ADS) A journal query page for the Astronomy database with articles that have been scanned by the ADS. It also supports the individual journal search for the access of every article from the particular journal. |
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory provides links to standards information, patents information and science ready reference tools. Covers general science with enriched coverage in physics, astronomy and astrophysics. |
International Nuclear Information System INIS provides an online bibliographic retrieval service to over 2.5 millions references to commercial journals, non-conventional (grey) literature (NCL) and Internet web documents relevant to nuclear science and technology. |
IoP Electronic Journals Search the electronic journals published by the Institute of Physics free to gain access to full-text of subscribed titles or the latest issue of non-subscribed ones. |
LSU Libraries webliography Provides links to resources for physics teachers and students at undergraduate level. |
Nobel Laureates in Physics 1901 - Present The list of Nobel Laureates in physics since 1901, also provides links to pages devoted to individual recipients. |
Physical Review Online Archives Search American Physical Society APS Journals (browsing table of contents and abstracts) for free. |
American Physics Society The site maintained by the American Physical Society (APS), links to a large number of sites concerned with physics. It is organized by various themes including general fields of physics, publications, educational material, societies, commercial sites, etc. |
Physicsweb Contains links to information about physics departments, preprint archives, conference agendas and proceedings, online lectures, physics bulletins, and other related resources |