Chad Hansen's Chinese philosophy pages Presents a compilation of Web sites related to Chinese philosophy, in particular Daoism, also known as Taoism, and Classical Chinese theories of language and mind. Notes that this listing is provided by Chad Hansen, a professor of philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. Includes links to Web sites on Chinese philosophy articles. Offers access to the home page for the Philosophy Department.
China Biographical Database 中國歷代人物傳記資料庫 A freely accessible relational database with biographical information initiated by the Harvard Yenching Institute on the basis of datasets and a software program created by Robert M. Hartwell (1932 – 1996). As of 2016, it contains approximately biographical references of 370,000 individuals, primarily from the 7th through 19th centuries. In addition to its biographical value, the data is also useful for statistical, social network, and spatial analysis. It could be accessed both in online and offline versions.
A Chinese talking syllabary of the Cantonese dialiect: an electronic repository A "talking dictionary", this site provides pronunciation of Chinese characters in Cantonese (Mandarin pronunciation & English translation are also provided). Users can search by either character or Cantonese Romanization. Information on structure and coding for machine readability are also provided.
East Asia Digital Library (EADL) is a portal site focusing on East Asian cultural and scientific resources. The National Library of Korea and the National Diet Library, Japan develop and operate the site collaboratively. Some resouces with scanned images, others have bibliographic data only.
Open Databases for China Studies Resource Guide This guide provides an overview of open databases and free resources with primary materials for China studies research. The guide was edited by Joshua Seufert (Princeton University Libraries) and Luo Zhou (Duke University Libraries) for the Luce/ACLS Digital Archives Mapping Project.
Princeton University East Asian Library Supplementary Materials Collection This collection contains tables of contents, indexes, and other such material for hundreds of items in the East Asian Library's collection, including detailed article-level information for all Wenshi ziliao publications 文史資料.
Princeton Chinese Archival Handbook Collection This map offers geographical access to the collection of Chinese archival handbooks 檔案館指南 at the East Asian Library of Princeton University. For the vast majority of the handbooks the table of contents and the list of archival fonds 全宗表 have been scanned and are directly viewable from the linked catalog record and can also be downloaded as PDF files.
Internet guide for China studies: the China WWW Virtual Library Comprehensive metasite for information on China and East Asia. Besides information on politics and international relations the site links to web resources on social, cultural, environmental and economic topics with a Chinese or Asian focus.
香港文學資料庫 is a searchable database of Hong Kong Chinese literature. The database provides index to journal articles, Hong Kong thesis and the Hong Kong literature collection of Chinese University of Hong Kong.
學苑汲古——高校古文獻資源庫 是一個匯集高校古文獻資源的數字圖書館,由北京大學、北京師範大學、南京大學、四川大學等高校圖書館先行合力創建。内容不僅包括各參建館所藏古文獻資源的書目記錄,而且還配有部分相應的書影或全文圖像。
中華古籍資源庫 是國家圖書館(國家古籍保護中心)建構的綜合性古籍特藏數位資源發布共享平台,是「中華古籍保護計畫」的重要成果。該平台遵循邊建設、邊服務原則,目前線上發布資源包括國家圖書館藏善本和普通古籍、甲骨、敦煌文獻、碑帖拓片、西夏文獻、趙城金藏、地方志、家譜、年畫、老照片等,以及館外和海外徵集資源,總量約10萬部(件)。
故宮・東吳數位古今圖書集成 資料庫以故宮博物院典藏,清代雍正四年銅字活版之古今圖書集成為文獻數位化的全文檢索版本。
網路展書讀 由國立臺灣大學主辦,包括了詩經、唐詩三百首、全唐詩、宋詞三百首、全宋詞、紅樓夢、三國演義、水滸傳等數據庫。