HKU Libraries (HKUL) has been trying to maintain subscription to the People's Daily online database (人民日報圖文數據庫) despite a significant price hike in 2023. Due to continuous budgetary constraints, HKUL may be unable to further renew the subscription to the database beyond 31 March 2024.
Library users are encouraged to retrieve your needed information from the affected database by 31 March 2024 which is the expiration date of our current subscription term. Please be reminded that excessive downloading is prohibited, among other prohibited uses, could lead to consequences according to the library policy.
Alternatively, users may access the People's Daily through other online electronic resources, such as:
- The People's Daily website, which provides free access to the latest issues of the newspaper.
- The China Core Newspapers Full-text Database, which provides clippings of the People's Daily from 2000 to present.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
For enquiries, please Email-a-Librarian (To: Information Search)
HKU Libraries
我們鼓勵圖書館使用者在 2024 年 3 月 31 日(我們目前訂閱期限的到期日)之前從受影響的資料庫中檢索所需資訊。 請注意,根據圖書館政策,禁止過度下載以及其他禁止使用,可能會導致後果。
- 人民日報網站,免費提供最新一期報紙。
- 中國核心報紙全文資料庫,提供2000年至今人民日報剪報。