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Social Science Education

This guide highlights the library resources available in the field of Social Science Education.


This page introduces Hong Kong public examinations and oversea examinations, and consolidate relevant library resources:

Hong Kong Public Examination

Description Year Resources

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE)
Upon complete six-year secondary education, students will take the examination to measure the attainment. Most candidate may take:

  • 4 core subjects (Chinese language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies);
  • 2-3 elective subject from Category A-C subjects
2012 – current Here

Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)

The HKALE was taken by students upon completion of the two-year sixth-form education. HKALE qualification had always served as a significant credential for students to pursue further studies and employment.

Syllabuses of HKALE subjects can be categorised into two types:

  • Advanced Supplementary level (AS-level); and
  • Advanced level (A-level)
1980 – 2012 Here

Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)

The HKCEE was taken by students at the end of their five-year secondary school education. The qualification of HKCEE was recognized both locally and internationally. It was considered as the gateway to further studies and career pursuance. Most candidates took:

  • 2 language subjects: Chinese language and English language; and
  • 4 to 8 other subjects
1974 – 2011 Here

Hong Kong Higher Level Examination (HKHLE)
The HKHLE replaced the Chinese University of Hong Kong Matriculation Examination in 1979. It originally served as an admissions examination for entrance to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Most candidates took 6 or 7 subjects.

1979 – 1992 Here

Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (LPAT)

Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers (LPAT) assesses candidates’ proficiency in English Language and Putonghua for teaching the respective subject in schools. The assessment, offer to teachers, consists of oral and written papers, as well as a classroom language assessment.

2001 – current




Oversea Public examination

Description Year Resources

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The IB offer a continuum of international education through 4 educational programmes to students from age 3 to 19.



1997 – 1994 – 1968 – 2012 –


International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

The IGCSE is an English secondary qualification that developed by Cambridge Assessment international education. The certificate is awarded to candidates who pass in seven IGCSE subjects — two Language subjects, one subject from each Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences, Mathematics, and Creative and Vocational subjects, and a subject which can be selected from any subjects.

1988 – Here

Hong Kong Public Examinations: Past Papers and Syllabuses

Oversea Public Examinations: Past Papers and Syllabuses