ABI/Inform global This database is one of the most comprehensive business including in- depth coverage for thousands of publications, most of which are available in full text and the latest business and financial information for researchers at all levels.
Business source ultimate provides the full text of articles from many publishers and links to full text options for other articles, some titles' coverage back to 1886. It covers marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, economics and more. It includes financial data, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses.
Emerald insight Includes journals, book and case studies on a wide range of subjects covering engineering, property management & built environment, real estate & property and many more.
Engineering village Engineering Village 2 includes Compendex searchable bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research. It includes bibliographic citations and abstracts from engineering journals and conference proceedings.
ICONDA : the CIB international construction database The bibliographic database of the International Council for Building Research, Studies, and Documentation (CIB), covers the worldwide literature on all areas of building construction, civil engineering, architecture, and town planning.
isurv building value from knowledge An online information service for property professionals. Contains technical information on broad range of property and construction related topics, as well legislation, RICS professional guidance and property research.
ProQuest statistical insight Provides access to: statistical information; indexing and full text statistical data from U.S. government publications from 2004 (indexing from 1973), state and private sources from 2007 (indexing from 1980), and international organizations from 2007 (indexing from 1980); and visualization tools.
S&P Capital IQ Pro Covers industry-specific private and public companies worldwide. Provides standardized and as-reported financials, sector-specific templates, asset-level data, mapping and regulatory data, along with analytical tools to help with company assessment.
Web of science Covers over 12,000 journals from 256 categories from 1900 and has direct links to full text and library holdings information. It also includes over 148,000 proceedings from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops and conventions worldwide.
中國學術期刊全文數據庫 This database contains more than 10000 Chinese journals with full text. They are categorized into 10 subsets.
To view a complete list of databases, please click here.
Google Scholar is available to search across worldwide publisher’s webpage, databases, and resources. However, the online resources in Google scholar may not come with full text. Follow the below steps to configure Google Scholar to HKUL:
► Step 1. Go to the settings page of Google Scholar
► Step 2. Click on Library links
► Step 3. Enter "HKU" into the search box
► Step 4. Choose "The University of Hong Kong: View It@HKUL"
► Step 5. Save the settings
► Step 6. When you search in Google Scholar, you will see the link View It@HKUL against each record. Click on this link to check for full text availability through HKU Libraries.