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Open Access

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees charged by publishers to make articles in scholarly journals open access, specifically to cover the costs of publication and journal administration. However, many scholarly journals, particularly those supported by universities, publish open access with no costs at all to researchers.



  • Bradley, F., & Reilly, S. (2024). IFLA Open Access Vocabularies.


Discounts & Waivers for HKU Authors

OA Publishing for HKU Authors
The Libraries has made agreements with the several publishers below, which allow HKU authors in some cases to publish in Open Access (OA) journals for free, and in other cases at a discount.



The table below presents a summary of the publishers that offer APC discount to the HKU authors.


(In alphabetical order)

Journal Titles Covered APC Discount to HKU authors
Bentham Science Publishers Journal List 50% off
BioMed Central Journal List 15% off
Cambridge University Press Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2026)

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2024)

Company of Biologists Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2025)

IOP Publishing Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2025)

Karger Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2026)

Microbiology Society Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2025)

Policy Press Journal List 20% off
Portland Press Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2024)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)

  Discounted price at $4,975 for immediate open access (Regular fee: $5,475)
SCOAP3 Journal List Full APC waiver
Springer Nature - Springer Hybrid Journals Journal List

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2026)

SpringerOpen Journal List 15% off

Journal List (Hybrid)

Journal List (Open Access)

Full APC waiver

(until 31 December 2025)

Funding is no longer available until 1 January 2025.


Full waivers


Cambridge University Press 

The HKU Libraries has signed a Read & Publish Agreement with the Cambridge University Press (CUP) offering corresponding authors affiliated with HKU full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for Gold OA publishing in its full OA and hybrid journals, effective from 1st January 2022.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press   

The HKU Libraries has signed a transformative agreement with the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, offering HKU corresponding authors full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for OA publishing in five journals.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.


The Company of Biologists   

The HKU Libraries has signed a transformative agreement with The Company of Biologists, offering HKU corresponding authors full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for OA publishing in five journals.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.


IOP Publishing   

Effective from 1 January 2023, HKU corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for open access publishing in eligible journals published by IOP under transformative agreement.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.



The HKU Libraries has signed an Open Access Agreement with the Karger Publisher. HKU authors can enjoy an unlimited free Article Processing Charge (APC) credit to all its Open Access Journals and Hybrid Journals with an OA option.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.


Microbiology Society    Microbiology Society logo

Effective from 1 January 2023, HKU corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for open access publishing in the six eligible journals published by Microbiology Society under Read and Publish agreement.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.


Portland Press  

Effective from 1 January 2023, HKU corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for open access publishing in the seven eligible journals published by Portland Press under transformative agreement.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.



As HKU Libraries is one of the member libraries of JULAC (Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee), which is a partner of SCOAP3 - Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, HKU authors can publish in SCOAP3 journals at no cost.


Springer Nature - Springer Hybrid Journals  

Effective from 1 January 2024, HKU corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for Open Access publishing in eligible journals published by Springer Nature (Springer Hybrid Journals) under transformative agreement. Quotas are limited.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.



Effective from 1 January 2023, HKU corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waiver for Open Access publishing in eligible journals published by Wiley under transformative agreement. Quotas are limited.

For agreement details, please refer to the Transformative Agreement page.






Bentham Science Publishers     

HKU is a member of Bentham OPEN, which allows a 50% discount for HKU corresponding authors, and any HKU co-author. To receive this 50% discount, authors must include this code in cover letters, when submitting manuscripts: BOMI-HKU/01.



BioMed Central     

HKU has a Supporter Membership with BioMed Central. If the affiliation of the submitting author (author who uses the BMC online submission system) is HKU, then there will be a 15% discount. Therefore if you are one of the co-authors on a paper, please check with your other co-authors to determine which of their affiliations if any, have Supporter or Prepaid Memberships with BMC. Then the co-author of the affiliation with the most BMC discount could submit the article through BMC's online submission system. BMC writes,

When submitting a manuscript, either via a journal home page or via our online submission system, you will be identified as belonging to a member institution and automatically granted an article processing charge waiver if you are within your institution's firewall. If you are at home or at an external terminal when submitting your paper, you can still claim a waiver by starting your affiliation to your institution.


Policy Press     

As a subscriber of Policy Press, HKU authors can enjoy a 20% APC discount on all Policy Press journals. Please quote the customer number (CU-0128046) when making enquiries about open access with Policy Press.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)     

Because HKU Libraries have a paid subscription to this journal, the publishers will allow a discount on article processing charges (APC). After the discount, the APC is $4,975 for Immediate Open Access. However, there is no discount for Delayed Open Access. Please make sure the corresponding author lists “University of Hong Kong” as the affiliation. Then, the system of PNAS can match it to HKU subscriber record and add the discount. The corresponding author should receive an estimate of publication charges. You are also encouraged to check for the discount so that PNAS can make any corrections if needed.



Because of the HKU Supporter Membership of BioMed Central (above), HKU authors (submitting author) may also claim a 15% discount in SpringerOpen journals. Submission process is the same as in BMC above.







Transformative Agreement

Transformative Agreement (TA)

A Transformative Agreement (TA), sometimes used interchangeably with Read & Publish agreement (R&P), is an agreement with a publisher that takes the library’s existing expenditure on subscriptions and repurposes it to cover both reading and publishing in that publisher’s journals. If an academic publishes in a journal that is included in one of the R&P agreements, they may be able to publish direct to open access with no transactional article processing charges.

The Libraries has signed transformative agreements with the various publishers, providing HKU authors with full Article Processing Charge waivers for publishing articles in eligible open access and hybrid journals. Further details of the agreement terms are listed in the below section.




  • Bradley, F., & Reilly, S. (2024). IFLA Open Access Vocabularies.


Agreement Terms and Application Procedures

Cambridge University Press - Read and Publish Agreement

Item Description

The corresponding author of the submitted article is affiliated with HKU at the point of acceptance, including staff and students. The manuscripts have to be accepted within the agreement period.

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2026
Type of publication Only applies to 5 types of article - “research article”, “review article”, “Rapid communications”, “brief report”, and “case report”. Detailed descriptions can be referred to here.
Journal coverage Over 370+ OA and hybrid journals are covered in the Read & Publish agreement. Discover a list of eligible CUP journal titles via this link.
Quota limit No quota limit for individual author as long as your articles are accepted within the agreement period.

More details on the CUP Read and Publish Agreement with JULAC, Hong Kong can be found here.



Quick guide of application procedures

Source: The Cambridge University Press (

Step 1

Manuscript Submission and Peer Review

Go to the journal homepage page on Cambridge Core and click on “Submit your article”. Then, complete a submission form on the journal’s Online Peer Review System (OPRS). After submission, your manuscript will go through the editorial and peer review process. 

Note: Please use your HKU affiliation, address, and email for manuscript submission in order to obtain the APC waiver.


Step 2

Manuscript Acceptance and Publication Decision

Once your manuscript has been accepted, follow the instructions in the acceptance email to complete an Author Publishing Agreement. If publishing in a hybrid journal, ensure you select 'Gold Open Access'.

On the agreement form, select your choice of Creative Commons (CC) license for your article to be published.


Step 3

APC Transaction Process

An email will be sent to you in 48 hours from Rightslink®, the third party system used by CUP to transact APCs. Follow the instructions on the email to register a Rightslink account if you do not have one. Login to the Rightslink system, choose “Seek funding from the University of Hong Kong” to apply for the full APC waiver and submit your request for approval*.

Note: Quota is unlimited. Once your eligibility has been verified by the system, you will be able to obtain the approval to proceed.


Step 4

Publication in Open Access

You will be notified once your funding request has been approved. Your work will undergo the publication process and be available online in open access.

You can also refer to the author guides by the Cambridge University Press here for more information on the workflow of open access publishing.


Logo of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press - Transformative Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with HKU at the point of acceptance are eligible for full waiver of APC for accpeted articles published in eligible journals

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024
Type of publication Fully peer-reviewed research, review, and case-study articles
Journal coverage

Five journals: Genes & Development, Genome Research, RNA, Learning & Memory, CSH Molecular Case Studies

Details can be found on this page.

Quota limit Unlimited within the agreement period

More details on the can be found here.



There is no change in submission procedures.

Please refer to the “Information for Authors” link at the journal homepage to which you wish to submit your article. After your article is accepted for publication, you will then be informed of your Open Access publishing options.



company of biologists logo

The Company of Biologists - Read and Publish Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding Authors who are affiliated with the University of Hong Kong at the point of acceptance

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Type of publication

Original research paper relating to original research

(I.e., This does not include review papers, commentaries, correspondence, corrections, additions, posters or any other content or material)

Journal coverage

Five journals:

Quota limit Unlimited

More details on The Company of Biologists' Read & Publish Open Access agreements can be found here.




During article submission, make sure you enter the University of Hong Kong as the affiliation of the corresponding author, which is used to determine eligibility for waived article processing charges.
When providing your contact details, include your institutional email address, as well as the full name and address of your institution, including country.

If you are submitting an article to Development, Journal of Cell Science or Journal of Experimental Biology, in the Open Access section, check the [Gold Open Access/CC-BY] and [Read & Publish fee waiver] boxes.

Note: Only CC-BY is available for the open access license.


When your article is accepted, the publisher will send you a link to the RightsLink system and a fee-waiver will be applied.

You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your eligibility is confirmed.


For more details, check:


iop logo

IOP Publishing - Read & Publish Agreement

Item Description

"Corresponding Author" affiliated with the University of Hong Kong at the point of acceptance


The “Corresponding Author” is the author who submits a manuscript to and communicates with the journal.
For each article, there is only one "Corresponding Author".

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025
Type of publication

Eligible article types include:
–    Papers
–    Special issue papers
–    Reviews
–    Letters

Journal coverage

IOP hybrid & gold open access journals

Details of the journal titles can be found at: (Lists A, B, C & D), ECS Advances and ECS Sensors Plus

Quota limit Unlimited free APC credits

More details on IOP Publishing's Transformative Agreements can be found here.




Submit manuscript to an eligible IOP Publishing journal via ScholarOne (IOP Publishing journals' submission system).

Screenshot of IOP submission



At step 4 (Author Information), enter author information. Make sure the affiliation is clearly stated on the submission form. Use the autofill to provide institution name.

Screenshot of state institution

There will be only one corresponding author, who submits the manuscript and communicates with the journal during the process.



Progress to the Step 6 (Policies & Information).
Decide open access choice.
Only in the event that the article is found to be ineligible, the selection here will apply. If you do not wish to pay an APC to publish open access, select ‘No’.

Screenshot of select no in case not eligible



No matter which choice is made in the above step, IOP will always check whether the article is eligible under an institutional agreement. If so, there will be a separate notification email with a subject line ‘Open access options for your article: article ID’.

Screenshot of email example



During the peer review process, or after article is accepted, sign the open access copyright form to publish under a CC-BY licence.

Request for APC waiver will be handled.




Most IOP Publishing journals uses ScholarOne.
A small number of the journals do not use ScholarOne. For those, the submission process will differ but eligible articles will still be identified and authors will receive relevant notification e-mails.



View a quick guide on the procedure by IOP Publishing here:




Karger - Publish and Access Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding authors affiliated with HKU at the point of acceptance are eligible for full coverage of APC and Author's ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2026
Type of publication Eligible article types include: “original research articles”, “review articles”, “proceedings”, “letters”, and “editorials”, etc. 
Journal coverage Full OA and hybrid journals covering a wide range of biomedical subject areas are included in the Open Access (or Publish & Access) agreement. Details of the eligible journal titles can be found on this page.
Quota limit Unlimited free APC credits as long as your articles are accepted within the agreement period.

More details on the Karger Publish and Access Agreements can be found here.



Step 1

In acceptance email, click on the green button ‘Select Publication Route’ to visit the Submission Platform.

Click on ‘Log in to MyKarger’ and enter your email and password.

Screen capture of Click on ‘Log in to MyKarger’

Step 2

On your dashboard go to ‘Accepted’. Identify the article.

Click on ‘Select publishing option’.

Screen capture of Click on ‘Select publishing option’


Step 3

Eligibility for Open Access publication cost coverage will be displayed if applicable. Click on ‘Accept Waiver’ to publish without costs.

Screen capture of Click on ‘Accept Waiver’ to publish without or with reduced costs.


Step 4

Read, accept, and confirm the License Agreement.


View a quick guide on the procedure by Karger here:



Microbiology Society - Read & Publish Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding Author affiliated with the University of Hong Kong on the date of submission

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025
Type of publication


Journal coverage

Microbiology Society hybrid & full open access journals/platforms

Details of the titles can be found at:

Quota limit Unlimited free APC credits

More details on Microbiology Society's Read & Publish Agreements can be found here.




Submit your manuscript to an eligible journal. Provide affiliation and your HKU email in the manuscript.

In the Editorial manager submission system, enter your "" email and affiliation.


 Screenshot of provide affiliation and your HKU email in the manuscript



During submission, indicate your eligibility ("Yes") for fee-free Open Access publication via a Publish and Read agreement.


Screenshot of indicate your eligibility



Submit article for Open Access publication ("Yes") and click "View Publication Charges" to confirm eligibility.


Screenshot of submit article for Open Access publication

Screenshot of confirm eligibility



After the APC request is handled, you will receive an email confirmation that the article is covered for fee-free Open Access publication.



An acknowledge will be shown on the bottom of the first page of the published paper:
"This article was made open access via a Publish and Read agreement between the Microbiology Society and the corresponding author's institution."




If you have any queries, please contact with the subject line:
Publish and Read query (and provide your manuscript number).


View a quick guide on the procedure by Microbiology Society here:



portland press logo

Portland Press - Read & Publish Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding Author affiliated with the University of Hong Kong at the point of acceptance

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024
Type of publication Unlimited
Journal coverage All 7 Portland Press journals. Details of the journal titles can be found at:
Quota limit Unlimited free APC credits

More details on Portland Press's Read & Publish Agreement can be found here.




Submit manuscript to a Portland Press journal.

Validate affiliation by clicking on "Validate Institution". In the pop-up window, search for The University of Hong Kong and save.

Screenshot of validate institution



Progress to the Detailed Information tab of the submission form. The system will check the affiliation against the list of institutional agreements in RightsLink.

A message will be shown for institution holding an active Read & Publish agreement with Portland Press.

Screenshot of message about open access option



After article is accepted, request for APC waiver will be handled.



Download a quick guide on the procedure by Portland Press here:



springer nature logo

Springer Hybrid Journals - Transformational Agreement

Item Description

Corresponding Author who is a current teaching/research staff member or a student at University of Hong Kong at the point of acceptance

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2026
Type of publication

Limited to:
a) Original Paper – Standard article, usually presenting new results; articles published under this article type may also be referred to as Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper or Research Paper.
b) Review Paper – Standard article, interpreting previously published results.
c) Brief Communication – Short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a
standard article.
d) Continuing Education – Article forming integral part of further education (usually medical).

Journal coverage

Springer Hybrid Journals

Check the list at:



  • Gold (Fully) open access journals are not covered.
  • Other journals published by Springer Nature, such as Nature Portfolio journals, are also not covered.
Quota limit Limited free APC credits. First come first served.

More details on Springer Nature’s transformational agreements can be found here.




When you are the corresponding author, once your article has been editorially accepted by an eligible hybrid journal, you will receive an invitation to complete the publishing agreement.

 Screenshot of receive an invitation to complete the publishing agreement


In Open Access information page, read basic information about publishing the article open access, including the Article Processing Charge (APC).

 Screenshot of read basic information about publishing the article open access


Confirm the affiliation provided on submission for eligibility.


You can change the affiliation if you have moved or it is incorrect. Changing affiliation here only affects identification for open access agreements, not the affiliation listed on the published article.

 Screenshot of changing affiliation


Select institution (the University of Hong Kong) and the system will identify possible eligible agreements.
If you are publishing an appropriate article type in an included journal, you can ask the institution to cover the publishing costs.

Screenshot of select institution and the system will identify possible eligible agreements



Read confirmation information about the agreement. Click "Next" to publish your article under the agreement between HKU and Springer Nature.


An option to opt out of the agreement and publish under a subscription model is available at this stage.

Screenshot of read confirmation information about the agreement



Read the summary of the information you have provided and the agreements selected. Change incorrect information, if any, at this stage.
If the quota under the agreement is used up, you will be informed here.

Screenshot of read the summary of the information you have provided and the agreements selected



Your request will be processed by the Libraries.


Once your request is approved, proceed to agree to publish, sign Licence to Publish (LTP), and confirm the completed license.


In case of rejection, the author has the option to publish open access with his/her own funding or publish traditionally non-open access.


For more details, check:



Note: Funding is no longer available until 1 January 2025. If you hope to publish open access with Wiley journals, please consider using your own research funds.



wiley logo         


Wiley - Transformational Agreement

Item Description

Responsible Corresponding Author affiliated with the University of Hong Kong at the point of acceptance

In the manuscript submitted, the affiliation (or one of the affiliations) of the corresponding author must be the University of Hong Kong.

Agreement period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025
Type of publication

Limited to article types which are primary research and review articles, including but not limited to:
–    Research Articles
–    Review Articles

–    Case studies
–    Reviews
–    Short communications

Journal coverage Selected Wiley and Hindawi fully and hybrid open access journals
Details of the eligible journal titles can be found at:
–    Wiley hybrid open access journal:
–    Wiley fully open access or Hindawi journals:
Quota limit Limited free APC credits. First come first served.

More details on Wiley’s transformational agreements can be found here.



The application procedures for I. Wiley hybrid open access journals and II. Wiley fully open access journals are different. Please scroll down for details.


I. Wiley hybrid open access journals



After article accepted by a Wiley hybrid open access journal, register or log in to Wiley Author Services at
Click on the ‘Manage article’ button.

Screenshot of manage article


Confirm author role.
Only one author can be selected as the Responsible Corresponding Author, who is the only person responsible for signing the license. His/her affiliation is used to determine eligibility for APC coverage.

Screenshot of confirm author roleScreenshot of select affiliation 


Add/edit any new/existing funder(s).


Confirm/enter institutional affiliation.
When there is an exact match for eligible institutional affiliation, an eligibility message will show on the main homepage of Author Services, as well.
Screenshot of confirm affiliationScreenshot of main homepage of Author Services 

If affiliations with multiple institutions were entered, select which institution is most appropriate to cover the open access fees.

A purple ‘Open Access’ box will also be shown to alert the author that he/she has triggered the eligibility criteria for funding based on their affiliation.

Screenshot of confirm affiliation


Select Copyright Ownership.


Confirm open access by clicking "Yes, make my article open access".
Screenshot of confirm open access 


Select a Creative Commons license. Sign and submit the license.

After signing and submitting license for the article, a funding request will be submitted to the institution for review and approval.
Screenshot of order submitted message

If the request is approved, there will be a confirmation email.
If the request is denied, there will be an email asking the author to pay for open access. If open access is not paid for, the article will be published as a subscription article.



Download a quick guide on the procedure by Wiley here:


II. Wiley fully open access journals



During submission*, you will be asked to confirm your institutional affiliations to accompany your manuscript. This information will also be used to determine your eligibility for funding through your institution.



If the APC request is approved, there will be a notification email.


When the article is accepted, sign the license agreement. No payment steps are necessary.

Screenshot of click the open access button



Download a quick guide on the procedure by Wiley here: