What is EndNote Online?
EndNote online is the online component of EndNote software. You can use EndNote online through Web of Science (WoS), with EndNote desktop, or on its own. Depending on how you access EndNote online, you may be entitled to different features and options.
EndNote basic
A basic user only has access to EndNote online, but not EndNote desktop. While the feature set is limited compared to those using both EndNote online and the desktop, it's still effective for users who are new to research and writing.
EndNote online with the desktop
EndNote desktop users get access to additional features and options in the online application that "basic" users do not.
Find more differences from EndNote Online vs. EndNote Comparison Chart.
Find more details on EndNote Basic/Online Quick Reference Guide.
Watch the class recording of EndNote Online. For more EndNote Online video tutorials, please visit YouTube Channel: EndNote Videos or EndNote Training site.
Cite While You Write for MS Word Online Add-in
Cite While You Write tool allow you to insert your EndNote references into MS Word Online. The add-in enables you to automatically create, format, and reformat in-text citations and reference lists.
Watch the video below to learn how to
Notes: Please "Enable Sync" from Endnote 21 Desktop before you login to your EndNote account on MS Online.