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Research Consultation (HKU academic staff and postgraduate students only)
Beginning with the September 2017 intake, all HKU Research Postgraduate (RPg) students have responsibility for
1. using a data management plan (DMP), where applicable, to describe the use of data in preparation for, or in the generation of their theses, and
2. depositing, where applicable, a dataset in the HKU Scholars Hub. "RPg" includes the degrees of MPhil, PhD, and SJD.
The DMP timeline for the RPg students is as follows:
Submit the Data Management Plan (DMP): visit our Data Management Plan (DMP) website to know more about Login RPg Input Form, how to submit form, RDM Planning, Data Management Plan (DMP), DMPTool, and more …
Submit research data: visit the Research Data Services website to learn more about research data management, metadata, deposit and publish data, and more …
Submit final version of thesis: check out the Theses@HKU to get more information on HKU Policy, the format of HKU ETDs, create an ETD, submit HKU Theses, Theses binding services, and more …
Submit thesis
In accordance with "Regulations Governing the Format, Binding and Presentation of Theses for Higher Degrees by Research", MPhil and PhD students are required to submit an electronic copy (ETD) of their theses along with the print copy. The printed theses are kept in The HKU Archives while the ETDs (Electronic Theses & Dissertations) are on open access in the Scholars Hub. For HKU Taught Postgraduates, the Libraries only acquire the electronic copy which is also accessible on open access via the Scholars Hub.
For more information on thesis submission, please visit the Theses@HKU webpage and Guidelines on Thesis Submission from HKU Graduate School.
Watch this video, to learn how to submit HKU Theses.
Online Thesis Submission Workflow: MPhil & PhD
The online thesis submission workflow for MPhil and PhD is shown below.