Researcher Connect is a blog designed for the HKU research community, bringing community members the latest news and trends in research support services. It keeps you well informed of the updated news in areas such as:
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Research Consultation (HKU academic staff and postgraduate students only)
The purpose of a research proposal is to persuade your reader to give you funds to work on your research question. In your proposal, you would include goals, previous works, proposed work and methodology, project timeline, expected outcomes, and conclusion. Refer to the application form for specific submission requirements by the funding institution.
The following resources may be of assistance:
1. Find a supervisor/ collaborator
For on-campus collaborators, the HKU Scholars Hub highlights the research field, research outputs, awards, and other achievements of each HKU researcher. Researchers can search the HKU Hub to find potential supervisors or collaborators.
For international collaborators, SciVal enables researchers to locate others researching in the same field, for potential collaboration using Topics & Topic Clusters or searching for a research area.
2. Explore funding opportunities
The Research Services website provides information on funding schemes available for both internal and external sources. It also outlines the administrative procedure for award application and management.
3. Research Data Management (RDM)
With the emerging trends of RDM from funding agencies and HKU, it is paramount for researchers to understand the requirements and procedures for preparing and submitting a Data management plan (DMP). Find out more from the HKU Research Data Services website.
4. Ensure research integrity and intellectual property rights
Check out HKU's institutional policy and arrangements on research integrity and the University’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy for works produced at the University by staff, students, and visitors of HKU.
5. Writing skills
To get help on academic writing, you can attend workshops by HKU Graduate School or read books on proposal writing.