The HKU Libraries offers a wide range of resources and services to support your research, in which the Research Support @HKU Libraries LibGuide summarizes all. This page pinpoints some vital ones for your quick reference.
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What to know more details regarding the Libraries’ research supports? Contact our Learning and Research Services team via the following methods:
Information Counter, Level 3, Main Library (within opening hours only)
Need other help from the Law Library? Approach us via the following methods:
Information Counter (within opening hours only)
3917-2914 (within opening hours only)
Make appointment with our Law Librarian via Research Consultation Services (eligible for HKU academic staff and postgraduate student only)
Powered by Figshare, the DataHub serves as a cloud repository for storing, citing, sharing and discovering research data and alternative forms of scholarly outputs. This service targets HKU researchers and RPG students in regards of their research and teaching, with public access of data that are being stored on the platform permanently. For more details, visit our DataHub LibGuide.
Serving as the current research information system of the University, the HKU Scholar Hub collects and preserves intellectual outputs in digital format, with open access to the archived theses and dissertations. To know more on what are included, visit our LibGuide for more details.
Open access (OA) has been a widely used publication method that allows free access of research by the general public. Open access publishing is available in HKU through agreements made with different publishers by the Office of Knowledge Exchange and the University Libraries. Want to know how open access works in HKU? Check out the Libraries’ LibGuide on Open Access for more. allows you to preserve open access sources online and make the preserved records accessible to your readers, regardless of link rot. Please note that this service is only provided to Law Faculty members. If you are interested to use for your research, please feel free to contact us at Email-a-Librarian for more details. For members of other faculties, you may contact your corresponding Subject Librarian for more information.
Functioned by the HKU Libraries, Researcher Connect is a blog aims to provide latest news and updates regarding our research support services. Check it out for more information!