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Sustainable Digital Scholarship@HKUL: What We Offer

What We Offer

What We Offer

The Research Data Services team at the HKU Libraries is committed to assist individual researchers and members of faculties, departments, units, and students at HKU to best manage and preserve their project data via the Sustainable Digital Scholarship (SDS) services. Through the SDS services, HKU community members can have their data of on-going projects or future projects hosted on DataHub for collaborations and long-term access. We are offering the Sustainable Digital Scholarship (SDS) services with the below extensive services:


Migrating past and current project data to DataHub

If you have pre-existing project data that would like to be migrated onto DataHub from another location, e.g. harddisk, cloud drive, database, etc., please contact the Research Data Services team for consultation. As we understand that different projects may have a different nature and unique requirements for data preservation, we would assist to provide advice in ensuring a smooth migration process.

Setting up customized pages on DataHub for new projects

Before starting to run a new digital project, if you have decided to look for a platform for on-going collaborations during the project time and a space for showcasing your work upon completion of your project, DataHub will be an ideal place for storing your data and facilitating collaborative activities. 

The Research Data Services team could assist to establish a customized collection page for your digital project with your choice of the background image and page logo on DataHub. Once the specialized page is established, faculty, department or unit members and students can collaborate on DataHub by creating project folders under the page and inviting project members as editors or viewers for individual folders. You can freely define your file structure and accessibility of individual file items. When the project has been completed, project collaborators can publish any items inside the folders for public access, and also return to the records at anytime in the future for updates.


Please contact the Research Data Services team directly for requesting a customized page and space for your digital project. You may also submit your choice of background image and logo for your project page. Please note the required standards for the images:

Please refer to a sample collapsed view of your background image in this example:

Training sessions and guidelines on using DataHub functions

A DataHub guideline is available for guiding users through the basic functions and features on DataHub. 

In addition to the electronic resources and user guides, training sessions and workshops will also be organized by the HKU Libraries regularly concerning the use of DataHub. Interested parties may join and acquire basic skills for using the DataHub platform. Through conducting the workshops, we aim to equip participants with skills to become self-sufficient in using the platform for managing their data according to their needs and preference after the initial set-up of the project page.

Enquiry and consultation services for using SDS

We welcome any enquiries regarding the SDS services and we would be delighted to offer advice to assist you in preserving your data using DataHub. Please contact the Research Data Services team via Email-a-Librarian (select To: "Research Data" on the form).

Research Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Florence Ng
5/F, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
(852) 3910-2785

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HKU Research Data Services


(Select To: "Research Data" on the form)

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