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The HKU Scholars Hub: The ResearcherPage (RP)

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Top 6 tips: Manage your ResearcherPage

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The ResearcherPage (RP)


A ResearchPage showcases the research outputs and activities of each HKU researcher.  Every month the Hub receives from HKU Registry a list of new staff.  The Hub Team creates a ResearcherPage for each staff with a UGC Grade A ~ I.   Researchers will be informed once the page is ready for review and further updates.


Login to edit your ResearcherPage


  1. Click on “HKU Login” on the top menu
  2. Login with your HKU Portal ID and PIN. 
  3. Click on the orange menu “Edit Researcher Page” on the upper right side.


Asking someone to edit your ResearcherPage

If you have a ResearcherPage and wish to ask one of your staff, for example your executive officer (EO), to make changes for you, you may set up the special password below.  After you do this, you will have 2 login methods, the existing one using the LOGIN button on the top of the page, with your HKU Portal ID. And, a new one, “Guest Login” (also at top of page). To set up this Guest Login for your EO:

  1. Please go to
  2. Input the email address, but DO NOT enter Password or click on “Log In”.  Rather, please click on “Have you forgotten your password”.  (Note: If your RP shows 2 addresses, use the first one.)
  3. The owner of the RP will receive email from the Hub with a link to define a new password. This new password should be different from the one used in HKU Portal login.
  4. Please give the email address you used in this process, and the new password to your EO.
  5. The EO can now click on “Guest Login” at the top of the page, login, and edit your ResearcherPage.

For problems with this process, please write to,

Maintain and Enrich your ResearcherPage

Manage and enrich your ResearcherPage

1.  Update the ResearcherPage

(a) Researcher can edit the following sections:

  1. Profile: User may change/ add/ delete/ hide data for these elements. 
  • Title(s)
  • HKU Contact Details
  • Variant Name(s)
  • Research Interest(s)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • My URL(s)
  • Professional Qualifications
  • Picture
  • Biography (Input a URL pointing to your CV or upload the CV.  Data in your CV will not merge with the publication lists in the Hub.)
  1. Selected Publications:  Choose research outputs to be placed under Selected Publications.  These will be displayed as the first item under Publications.

Once done, please click the Save Changes button.

(b)  Submit a request for changes to the original sources: 

Data in other boxes are harvested from external sources as outlined in the table below.  Researchers can hide or unhide entries.  But, to make changes, please submit a request to the original sources.  There is a green text message in every box giving instructions on how changes can be made.  An overview of these data elements is listed below:

  • Data Source: Registry

Data include: Name, Honorific, Department, Telephone number, and Email  (Note: Hub Team supplements information from other sources such as Departmental web pages.)

  • Data Source: HKU Portal

Data include: research outputs, grants, community service, professional societies, and knowledge exchange activities (To update, please go to HKU Portal > Self-service.  For more details, please refer to the table below.)

  •  Data Source: Others

Data include HKU Committee appointments, media contact, patents, teaching list, supervision of Research Postgraduate Students, and Bibliometrics. (Please approach the respective departments in the table below.)


2.  Add pre-HKU publications

Researchers can add research outputs prior to joining HKU to the ResearcherPage.  This will showcase a comprehensive profile of their research career in the Scholars Hub.  Send the list to the Hub Team (Email:  We accept RIS format, which can be exported from databases, such as SCOPUS, Web of Science; or from reference management software, such as Endnote.  If you have questions on how to export the list, please Ask-a-Librarian


3.  Add full text to research outputs

Online availability of research outputs will help enhance research visibility.  There are two major types of full text:

(a) Publisher’s version:  For publications that are Open Access, researchers can include the full text in the "Full text of the publication" field when inputting research outputs into the HKU Research Information Management System (RIMS) to have them uploaded to Scholars Hub.

(b) Preprint and Postprint:   Many publishers permit free access to the preprint and postprints (accepted manuscripts). If you possess the full text of these items and are aware that the publisher allows reposting, kindly forward it to with a brief note granting permission for inclusion in the Hub. Additionally, researchers can upload the PDF files in the "Preprint of the publication" field when inputting their research outputs into RIMS to have them added to the Hub. For further information, please consult the "Publisher Policies" and "Open Access" sections.



1.  Publications

If an article in the Hub is tracked by SCOPUS, Web of Science, or Almetrics, the times cited or mentions will be displayed under “Supplementary” information on the left-hand column.  Please see the example with the screenshot below.

  • SCOPUS is an international abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources. SCOPUS covers more than 24,000 peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, medicine, and social sciences from over 4,000 international publishers. The SCOPUS Citation Tracker records citation data year by year for a specific author or topic.
  • Web of Science is a global citation database covering over 21,000 journals across 254 subject disciplines.  It includes four major citation indexes: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
  • Altmetrics are metrics and qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics, like SCOPUS and Web of Science.  Some examples could include references on Wikipedia or in public policy documents; mentions in the news, blogs, and on Twitter discussions; bookmarks on reference managers like Mendeley.  These could shed light on the attention received or the influence of a publication.

2.  Author

Similar to publications, the Hub also tracks the bibliometrics of individual authors.  In the example below, you will see the times cited in SCOPUS and Web of Science for Professor Guochun Zhao.  Please refer to Author IDs to know more about how to maintain the author IDs.

Data source: HKU Portal and Others

Data source: HKU Portal

The following data displayed in the ResearcherPage should be updated from the HKU Portal. 

Data in Scholars Hub

Edit data from HKU Portal >

·     Honours, awards & prizes

·     Publications

·     Editorship

·     Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches

Research > Research Outputs (Note)


·     Principal Investigator

·     Co-investigator

Research > Research and Conference Grants

·     Community Service

Human Resources > Community Service

·     Professional Societies

Human Resources > PRD (Academic Staff)

·    Knowledge Exchange Activities

Knowledge Exchange > KE Activities


Note: The Hub Team receives daily updates from Research Information Management System (RIMS).  Data will be reviewed and updated, where appropriate.

Data Sources: Others

 Data in Scholars Hub

 Contact the respective department for update

 HKU Committee Appointments

 General Services of the Registry

 Media Contact Directory

 Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPAO)


 Technology Transfer Office (TTO)

 Teaching List, Current

 Student Information System (SIS)

 Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students

 Postgraduate Student System