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ReadingList@HKUL: Instructors build on their own

Using Cite It!

The "Cite It!" bookmarklet allows you to add a web page or an item on a web page directly to your reading list. You need to add the bookmarklet to your web browser first.

1. Go to your username on the top right corner of the page and click the drop-down menu, and select Cite It!.

Notes on using the Cite It! Bookmarklet:

  • You need to sign into ReadingList@HKUL when using the bookmarklet
  • Check your browser window to ensure that pop-ups are enabled 

2. Here you can see the list of all the sites supported by the bookmarklet. This list gets updated on a regular basis. Simply drag and drop the CITE IT! button to your bookmark panel and you are ready to start adding web citations.

3. Go to the website you would like to add to your reading list, click the "Cite It!" bookmarklet and a pop-up appears with the website’s details. Edit the item details and choose either add to My Collection, making it available to add to your lists later, or add directly to a particular reading list and section.  Select ADD AND CLOSE.

Leaving comments in Library Discussion

Leaving comments in Library Discussion

Leave a comment on the item in the Library Discussion if you would like the library staff to take action. For example, the item should be placed in course reserve collection or extra copies of the title are recommended. Students will not be able to see this part.

The library staff will also respond to your comment in Library Discussion. You will be alerted by the Notification on the left panel of ReadingList@HKUL to read the new comment.  Comment can either be left on an item under Library Discussion or on the reading list level.