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Dentistry: Dental Anatomy

This subject guide covers resources in dentistry availabe at the HKU Libraries.


Images Copyright Anatomedia Pty Ltd:

An@tomedia is a unique way to learn about the anatomy of the human body. It allows users to 'construct' the body by studying regions and systems and to 'deconstruct' the body through dissection and imaging. There are 9 modules, namely, general anatomy, head, neck, upper limb, thorax, abdomen, back, pelvis and lower limb. Each module includes detailed information including interactive text, image overlays and clinical questions.

Demo from an@tomedia on Vim



Complete Anatomy is an app provides full 3D model, featuring 12 body systems; structure-specific features including innervation and arterial supply; and fully interactive muscle movement.

Download the app complete anatomy from Apple or Microsoft Store, complete registration within HKU network. The app is currently compatible with iPad (2017), iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air (all models), iPad Mini 4, macOS 10.11 and later, and Windows 10 computers and tablets.

Set up guide

Dental Anatomy Books

Assistant Service Manager (Dental Library)

Profile Photo
Chloe Cheng
Dental Library, 6/F Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
(852) 3910 2985
Subjects: Dentistry