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Dentistry: Theses & Projects

This subject guide covers resources in dentistry availabe at the HKU Libraries.

Dissertations & Theses

HKU Theses Online (HKUTO) holds over 26,000 titles of theses and dissertations submitted for higher degrees to the University of Hong Kong since 1941. Many of them deal entirely with or focus on subjects relating to Hong Kong . The collection is primarily in English, with some in English and Chinese, and others in Chinese only.

Digital dissertation consortium : 數位化論文典藏聯盟 contains more than 35,000 dissertation from the ProQuest dissertations and theses subscribed by the consortium.

ProQuest dissertations and theses A&I (PQDT) contains citations (1861-to present) and abstracts (1980-to present) for doctoral dissertations from American and Canadian universities, and some International universities.

中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 contains more than 400,000 doctoral dissertations from 300 China academic institutions.


To view a complete list of e-theses databases, please click here


Community Health Projects

The Community Health Projects have been submitted by all final year students of the Faculty of Dentistry since 1984. Under the guidance of their instructors, the students have worked in groups to investigate and explore different oral health issues in the Hong Kong community. Some of the projects were actually presented in international conferences such as Asian-Pacific Dental Congress and International Association for Dental Research South-east Asian Division Meeting and furthermore, one of the projects won the first Asia Pacific Dental Student Research Competition in 1994.

To view a complete list of the Community Health Projects via the HKU Scholars Hub, please click here.