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Linguistics: Reference Materials

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Reference Materials

Bibliography of metaphor & metonymy A major source of information in metaphor, metonymy, and other figurative language. It covers monographs, edited volumes, articles from volumes and journals, dissertations, proceedings, working papers, unpublished works and conference papers, starting from 1990.

Bibliography of pragmatics online The Bibliography of Pragmatics Online is an annotated bibliography of the field of linguistic pragmatics, conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. It covers topics from traditions that belong or have contributed to pragmatics in substantial ways (from accommodation theory, analytical philosophy and anthropological linguistics, to cognitive linguistics, construction grammar, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, literary pragmatics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, relevance theory, sociolinguistics, speech act theory, and universal and transcendental pragmatics, to name just a few).

Concise Oxford companion to the English language

The concise Oxford dictionary of English etymology

The concise Oxford dictionary of linguistics

Handbook of Pragmatics The Handbook of Pragmatics provides up-to-date information on research in the field of linguistic pragmatics, conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. This electronic encyclopedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updatable source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use.

Glossary of Linguistic Terms

Merriam-Webster online

Oxford dictionary of English (2nd edition revised)

Speech internet dictionary The aim of Speech Internet Dictionary is to provide concise definitions of technical terms used in phonetics, phonology, speech and hearing science and allied disciplines. It is a product of the SIPhTrA project, funded by The Higher Education Funding Council for England and the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.

WordNet : a lexical database for the English language