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Biomedical Engineering

Subject guide to Engineering resources for study or research of the subject

Acknowledge other's work

Give credit where credit is due.

By properly citing the sources in your writings, you are both identifying the resources that you used to complete your work and formally acknowledging the authors or creators of those resources.

You may consider using Endnote, a citation management software, to organize and cite your bibliographic references. Your instructors may request you submit your assignments and dissertations to Turnitin for originality checking.

Read more about plagiarism.


Learn Academic Honesty Online

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Online Course on Plagiarism@HKU Online Learning 

Learn about issues and consequences related to plagiarism and demonstrate ability to recognize and avoid plagiarism.

In this course, you will learn:

Choose a Citation Style

Each discipline has its own citation style. Make sure you choose and use the right style in your writing. Please contact your lecturer if you have any doubt about the use of citation style in your discipline.


Here are some frequently used citation styles:

•  APA Style, by American Psychological Association

•  Chicago Style, by the Writing Lab & the OWL at Purdue and Purdue University

•  Harvard Style, by the University of Sydney Library

•  IEEE Style, by IEEE

•  RSC Style (personal account required), by the Royal Society of Chemistry

•  Turabian Style, by the University of Chicago Press


Check-out more information on different citation styles here.

Endnote: Write and Cite

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EndNote is a bibliographical management software package designed to help you to organize bibliographic references and create a bibliography. Endnote allows you to search, retrieve relevant citations, and builds your bibliography, all within one program.

Turnitin: Similarity Check

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Turnitin offers similarity check on students' work for proper citation or potential plagiarism. Once a paper is submitted to Turnitin, it will compare with documents in a continuously updated database consisting of current and archived web pages, millions of student papers worldwide, and collections of newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, e-Books and e-Texts.

Discover more information here: